Football Academy Partnership Work

Taekwondo has huge benefits for children and teenagers pursuing other sports. We have worked directly with footballers from Pre-Academy through to Scholar and have seen the significant benefits in  the physical and mental development of athletes involved.

Most recently we have delivered bespoke sessions for the Academy Players at Manchester City and will continue this work next season. 

There are several high profile footballers, like Zlatan Ibrahimović, pictured with Master Nick at Jeonsa, who have benefited from the flexibility, core strength, agility and balance work, and explosive power development of Taekwondo.

 Alongside this, the personal development and strength of character that comes through pursuing martial arts has made a huge difference to many athletes at the top of their game. Taekwondo is a martial art with many benefits for children and young people, including those striving for excellence in other sports.

I have also seen this with my oldest son, currently with Manchester City FC, who trained to a high level in martial arts to supplement his football. Pictured with World Panna Champion, Jack Downer (Street Panna) below. 

‘After school clubs enforced my love for sport and helped me on my path! From then training has had an immensely positive effect on my life, this twinned with the focus and body awareness that learning a martial art brings, makes Kick For Change an incredibly beneficial project for everyone involved, not only will it be a lot of fun, this will be balanced with meaningful progression, massive good luck to everyone who takes part!’

Jack Downer (Street Panna )

2 x Superball World Panna Champion & London Panna Champion

‘After school clubs enforced my love for sport and helped me on my path! From then training has had an immensely positive effect on my life, this twinned with the focus and body awareness that learning a martial art brings, makes Kick For Change an incredibly beneficial project for everyone involved, not only will it be a lot of fun, this will be balanced with meaningful progression, massive good luck to everyone who takes part!’

Jack Downer (Street Panna )

2 x Superball World Panna Champion & London Panna Champion

© Kick for Change 2023


© Kick for Change 2023